Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Toya's Gardening Station" a New one for your Sims

It was not Impossible
I had missed to post here, I can say that I was Locked! But this is the New thing I have for you all, especially for my Friend Stella, the inspiration of All.
Gardens, Gardens, Gardens... Isn't cool to have one?
Even Everlasting-Garden is Awesome!

Hey Guys, welcome back to my Blog ;)
Hero I have this new Gardening Station I cloned from the Real EA's Gardening Station, welll I called this project "Imposible" [No I didn't write it bad, I speak Spanish] Thanks to the Great Pocci I could make this object work right!

Why "Toya"? Because it is the Name of my Favorite sim of Stella, that's all. Now go to the Picture Spam and Stuff:

•Four CASTable Channels
Two Different Masks and Three Different Presets
•The Last preset has a Dark Specular that means No Shine
/!\ This mesh has High Poly as the EA one
•Polycount, in Total:
LOD 1: 7.487 Vertices, 5.932 Faces
For some Reason, the LOD 2 has More Poly
LOD 2: 8.405 Vertices, 3.289 Faces
•The presets are basid in Metals so it has a Bright Specular, but the shine is setup to 10
•§400 at Plumbing→Misc and Decor→Scupltures, Misc
•87 Container Slots, an Example here
•If you have two GS together this will happen, it's good!
•You Do Need the GS of EA for make it work. Who searchs, Finds ;)...

MediaFire seems to be Problematic these days

My TOU is not an Accessory ;)
If you can not Open .ZIP Files
The .ZIP file contains One Image and the File Compressorized.

Let me know i I did something Wrong.
By the Way I want to do Another Gardening Station but focused in the Nature
So Stay tunned!

Especial Thanks To:
♦Pocci [AKA GardenBreeze] because without her this would not work.
♦Stella [AKA Everlasting-Garden] You are the reason for this, I wanted to do something and you helped me ;)


  1. This is so fab! What a wonderful joy it is to see the giving you have for Stella!

    1. Stella has been a Great person with me, and I'm so happy for meet her, she also has made four CCs in a Collection called {04v10}, I'm in love with all this!

  2. Replies
    1. ¡DE NADA! Me hiciste sentir súper bien :3 Nunca había tenido un comentario en Español LOL

  3. Thanks for this. I'm excited to try it out in game!


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